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Developing a Risk Assessment Methodology for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration : RAND Corporation , 2016


RAND Corporation

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From the abstract: "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) confronts a variety of organizational-level risks within its programs that could influence the success of its missions or programs. Comparing, contrasting, and mitigating these risks require developing a common lens through which to view them. Such an evaluation can increase overall understanding of the risks associated with NASA-level decisions. This report provides NASA's Office of Strategy and Plans with a risk assessment methodology that integrates risk factors and risk management approaches tailored to NASA's management, operations, and acquisition structures. While NASA has deep experience in conducting risk assessments on highly technical issues for individual programs and projects, it has not developed an overarching methodology for thinking about overall NASA-level risk associated with its decisions. For this effort, a methodology was developed for normalizing and comparing supply chain, external dependency, cost and schedule, human capital, organizational and managerial, political, and technical risks. The goal ultimately was to develop a single, overarching, risk-informed decision support methodology for looking at disparate risks through a common lens. The methodology presented is for a non-expert audience so that any practitioner or decisionmaker with any level of training can use it."

Authors - Gerstein, Daniel, Kallimani, James G., Mayer, Lauren A., Meshkat, Lelia, Osburg, Jan, Davis, Paul K., Cignarella, Blake, Grammich, Clifford A.



Gerstein, Daniel, Kallimani, James G., Mayer, Lauren A., Meshkat, Lelia, Osburg, Jan, Davis, Paul K., Cignarella, Blake, Grammich, Clifford A.


RAND Corporation


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