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Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Defense Acquisition Reform (Phase II). Washington, DC : Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology , August , 1994

August 1994

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology

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“This document contains the final report of the DSB study on Defense Acquisition Reform Phase II. The Phase I report firmly acknowledged the need to adopt commercial practices as a way of doing business, and developed a set of reform initiatives designed to accelerate the required changes. The thrust of the Phase II effort was to further define these areas by examining specific industry segments, identifying specific combatant commands for increase responsibility in the requirements process, and further identification of the barriers to the adoption of commercial practices. The Task Force concludes that mature jet engines, microelectronics, software, and space systems can and should be procured and supported in a fully commercial environment USACOM and CENTCOM should be given increased technical cadres to further their capability to participate in the requirements process and it is feasible to eliminate may of the barriers to adoption of commercial practices without sacrificing the public trust in spending public funds.”

Authors - Defense Science Board



Defense Science Board


Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology


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