Federal Educational Assistance Programs Available to Service Members: Program Features and Recommendations for Improved Delivery : RAND Corporation , 2015
From the preface: "The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy asked the RAND Corporation to study the design of the major federal educational assistance programs available to service members while they are still serving in the military. The primary purpose of the study is to develop a holistic overview of benefits programs that the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Veterans Affairs, and Department of Education offer to inform DoD’s potential evaluation of the programs. We reviewed the academic literature on civilian and military education assistance programs; met with military education benefit program representatives; collected data on program characteristics; and developed pathway and logic models of program design, oversight, eligibility, and usage. We found that, while some programs collect data on service-member participation, a full evaluation will require data on user outcomes and stronger collaboration on data collection activities and reporting. This report describes recommendations to improve programs’ future alignment and coordination, which could improve cost efficiencies."
Authors - Buryk, Peter, Trail, Thomas E., Gonzalez, Gabriella, Miller, Laura L., Friedman, Esther M.
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