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Tour Lengths, Permanent Changes of Station, and Alternatives for Savings and Improved Stability : RAND Corporation , 2016


RAND Corporation

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From the preface: "This document describes the results of research conducted for a project entitled “Assessment of Possible Changes to Military Tour Lengths.” The study was designed in part to support the Department of Defense (DoD) in preparing a report for Congress on its permanent change of station (PCS) programs. It examined the workings of those programs with the goal of determining the potential for savings that could accrue from reducing the total number of PCS moves by increasing the average amount of time between them. The research covered current policies and programs, looking particularly at incentive programs designed to encourage servicemembers to stay longer at their current stations. As part of the study, researchers worked with the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) to develop a set of questions to be included in DMDC’s annual Status of Forces Survey, conducted in late 2013. The data were received and analyzed by RAND in 2014 and were incorporated into DoD’s report to Congress."

Authors - Bond, Craig A., Lewis, Jennifer Lamping, Leonard, Henry A., Pollak, Julia, Guo, Christopher, Rostker, Bernard D.



Bond, Craig A., Lewis, Jennifer Lamping, Leonard, Henry A., Pollak, Julia, Guo, Christopher, Rostker, Bernard D.


RAND Corporation


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