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Managing the Total Force: Using Civilianization to Militarize the Military. Alexandria, VA : Institute for Defense Analyses , November , 2018

November 2018

Institute for Defense Analyses

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From the executive summary: “The Department of Defense (DOD)’s relationship with civilianization is a story of two opposing forces in an unstable equilibrium—internal pressure to replace military personnel with government civilians (hereafter referred to more simply as “civilians”) to save money, and external pressure to reduce civilian staff across the defense establishment, particularly in times of declining budgets and personnel downsizing. The debate about how to generate the most efficient and proper mix between military and civilian manpower goes back at least 50 years, yet there is remarkably little research and analysis of the subject.”

Authors - Horowitz, Stanley A., Huff, Nancy, Eisler, David, Pechacek, Julie, Whitehead, Susan, Wu, Linda



Horowitz, Stanley A., Huff, Nancy, Eisler, David, Pechacek, Julie, Whitehead, Susan, Wu, Linda


Institute for Defense Analyses


IDA Paper P-8270


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