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Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Reform Implementation Report , January 16 , 2025

January 16, 2025

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The DoD began undertaking a critical effort to add targeted agility and flexibility into the key resourcing decision allocation system, known as the PPBE process. This process has been a cornerstone of the Department for over 60 years.

However, in response to the evolving geopolitical and national security landscape combined with the increasing complexity of global threats, the DoD must continue to enhance the PPBE process through improving agility, flexibility, and responsiveness, to better support the National Defense Strategy, defend the nation and its interests, and improve capability delivery to the warfighter.

This report provides an overview of the implementation of 26 PPBE reform initiatives. These efforts will have far reaching impact and are designed to be implemented in a phased and iterative manner, with regular assessments and progress updates to ensure the reforms are achieving their intended goals by 2028. They are also based on the recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform established in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022. Some of the Commission recommendations were similar to initiatives already well under way in the Department.

These reforms are organized around four strategic framework objectives that target removing silos of data, developing analytics tools, improving and standardizing data sharing with Congress, expanding training for the workforce, enhancing budget justification books, and modernizing the content and presentation of the DoD Financial Management Regulation (FMR).

Authors - Department of Defense


Department of Defense


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