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Defense Management: Report to the President : Department of Defense , July , 1989

July 1989

Department of Defense

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From the introduction: "In his February 1989 address to the Joint Session of Congress, the President announced that he was directing the Secretary of Defense to develop “a plan to improve the defense procurement process and management of the Pentagon. ” Terms of reference provided by the President called upon the Department of Defense (DoD) to: develop a plan to accomplish full implementation of the recommendations of the Packard Commission and to realize substantial improvements . . . in defense management overall. For these purposes, the President directed that specific actions be identified in four broad areas--personnel and organization, defense planning, acquisition practices and procedures, and government-industry accountability. The President also called for recommended “actions the Congress could take which would contribute to the more effective operation and management” of DoD."

Authors - Cheney, Dick



Cheney, Dick


Department of Defense


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