How Much is Enough? Shaping the Defense Program : RAND Corporation , 1971
From the preface: “This book was written for three main purposes. The fi rst is to record some of the valuable lessons regarding strategy, force, and fi nancial planning learned in the 1950’s and 1960’s and applied in the 1960’s in the hope that, by doing so, they will not have to be relearned in the 1970’s. The second is to make a case for what we believe to be the proper role of the Secretary of Defense: that is, personally to grasp the strategic issues and provide active leadership in developing a defense program that sensibly relates U.S. foreign policy, military strategy, defense budgets, and the choice of major weapons and forces. The third is to increase public understanding of the uses of analysis in defense decision making and to help build support for its increased use. If successful, our effort will contribute to a more effective and economical defense program for the United States.”
Authors - Enthoven, Alain C, Smith, K. WayneSubjects
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